Product Listing
To inspire your menu and product innovation, we welcome you to our collection of prepared and non-prepared produce. We think you will agree that we have an enviable collection of products and culinary creativity that will satisfy your customers, increasing your bottom line and giving you a distinct competitive edge.
If you are interested in a product that is not listed, please contact us.

Apple - Chateau
Apple - Julienne
Apple - Prepped Dry Mix
Apple - Prepped Wet Mix
Aubergine - Sliced
Beetroot - Chunky
Beetroot - Julienne
Beetroot - Peeled
Bolognese Mix
Broccoli - Florets
Butternut - Fondant
Butternut - Chunky
Butternut - Diced
Butternut - Fondant Loveheart
Butternut - Fondant Shamrock
Butternut - Peeled
Butternut - Wedge
Cabbage - Green Shredded
Cabbage - Red Shredded
Cabbage - Savoy Shredded
Cabbage - White Diced
Cabbage - White Julienne
Carrot - Baby Peeled
Carrot - Baton
Carrot - Brunoise
Carrot - Chateau
Carrot - Chunky Cut
Carrot - Chunky Sliced
Carrot - Collop
Carrot - Cubes
Carrot - Diced
Carrot - Half Moon Slice
Carrot - Julienne
Carrot - Oblique
Carrot - Peeled Top & Tail
Carrot - Pont Neuf
Carrot - Sliced
Carrot - Wedge
Carrot & Parsnip - Chunky
Carrot & Parsnip - Diced
Carrot & Parsnip - Wedge
Carrot & Swede - Chunky
Carrot & Swede - Diced
Carrot & Swede - Wedge
Carrot, Parsnip & Swede - Chunky
Carrot, Parsnip & Swede - Diced
Carrot, Parsnip & Swede - Wedge
Cauliflower - Florets
Celeriac - Brunoise
Celeriac - Chateau
Celeriac - Chunky
Celeriac - Diced
Celeriac - Fondant
Celeriac - Julienne
Celeriac - Peeled
Celery - Sliced
Chilli Peppers - Deseeded
Chinese Leaf - Dice
Chowder Mix
Coleslaw - Mix Supreme
Coleslaw - Rainbow Mix
Courgette - Baton
Courgette - Chateau
Courgette - Diced
Courgette - Sliced
Cucumber - Sliced
Fruit Salad
Fruit Segments - Grapefruit
Fruit Segments - Orange
Fruit Skewer - 250 mm
Leek - Baby Prepped
Leek - Sliced
Lemon - Sliced
Lettuce - Iceberg - Shredded
Lettuce - Washed
Lime Sliced
Mango - Diced
Mushroom - 1/4 cut
Mushroom - Sliced
Parsnip - Baton 10mm
Parsnip - Brunoise
Parsnip - Chateau
Parsnip - Chunky
Parsnip - Collop
Parsnip - Diced
Parsnip - Oblique
Parsnip - Peeled Top & Tail
Parsnip - Sliced
Parsnip - Wedge
Parsnip - Wedge 5" Long Cut
Pears - Peeled - Single
Pepper - Cups
Pepper Salad Mix
Peppers - Diced Mixed
Peppers - Flat cut special
Peppers - Julienne
Peppers - Sliced
Pineapple - Chunky
Pineapple - Peeled
Pumpkin - Diced
Puree - Parsnip, Carrot & Swede
Red Onion - Diced
Red Onion - Peeled
Red Onion - Petal
Red Onion - Sliced
Red Onion - Wedge
Rhubarb - Prepped
Roast Veg Mix
Sandwich Mix
Scallion - Diced
Shallots - Peeled
Skewers - Mixed Veg
Soup Mix
Soup Mix - Chunky
Soup Mix - Leek & Potato
Sprouts - Prepped
Stew Mix
Stew Mix - Chunky
Stir Fry
Swede - Baton
Swede - Brunoise
Swede - Chateau
Swede - Chunky
Swede - Diamond
Swede - Diced
Swede - Grated
Swede - Oblique
Swede - Peeled
Swede - Sleeves
Swede - Wedges
Sweet Potato - Chips
Sweet Potato - Chunky
Sweet Potato - Diced
Sweet Potato - Fondant
Sweet Potato - Julienne
Sweet Potato - Peeled
Sweet Potato - Wedge
Tomato - Beef Sliced
Tomato - Sliced
Vegetable Mix - Brunoise
White Onion - Diced
White Onion - Peeled
White Onion - Sliced

Chip - Bravi Gold 10kg
Chip - Fresh Cut 6mm
Chip - Fresh Cut 10mm
Chip - Fresh Cut 12mm
Chip - Fresh Cut 14mm
Chip - Fresh Cut 17mm
Chip - Fresh Cut Skin On 10mm
Chip - Fresh Cut Skin On 12mm
Chip - Fresh Cut Skin On 14mm
Chip - Fresh Cut Skin On 17mm
Chip - Steakhouse 20mm
Chip - Steakhouse 20mm Skin On
Potato - Baby - Half Rumbled
Potato - Baby - Fully Rumbled
Potato - Baker Wrapped
Potato - Chateau
Potato - Chunky
Potato - Cube
Potato - Diced
Potato - Fondant
Potato - Fondant Loveheart
Potato - Fondant Oval
Potato - Fondant Shamrocks
Potato - Julienne
Potato - Peeled Fenit Rooster
Potato - Peeled Maris Piper
Potato - Pont Neuf 18mm
Potato - Pont Neuf 20mm
Potato - Sliced
Potato - Spirals
Potato - Wedge Skin On

- Baby Asparagus
- Baby Carrot
- Baby Corn
- Baby Rainbow Carrot
- Baby Courgette - Long
- Baby Courgette - Round
- Baby Cucumber
- Baby Fennell
- Baby Leeks
- Baby Pak Choi
- Baby Peppers - Mixed
- Baby Swede
- Artichoke - Jerusalem (Topinambour)
- Asparagus - Green
- Asparagus - White
- Aubergine
- Aubergine - Graffiti
- Beans Fine -Top & Tailed
- Beansprouts
- Beetroot - Bunched
- Beetroot - Choggia
- Beetroot - Cooked Prepack
- Beetroot - Golden
- Beetroot - Mini Mix
- Beetroot - Red
- Beetroot - Red Mini
- Beetroot - Yellow Mini
- Broccoli
- Broccoli - Purple Sprouting
- Broccoli - Tenderstem (Bimi)
- Broccoli Romanesco
- Brussel Sprouts
- Butternut Squash
- Cabbage - Cavolo Nero
- Cabbage - Chinese
- Cabbage - Dutch
- Cabbage - Pointed
- Cabbage - Red
- Cabbage - Round
- Cabbage - Savoy
- Cabbage - Spring
- Cabbage - York
- Carrot - Bunches
- Carrot - Chantanay
- Carrot - Heritage
- Carrot - Large
- Carrot - Medium
- Carrot - Prepack
- Carrot - Purple
- Carrot - White
- Cauliflower
- Cauliflower - Purple
- Celeriac
- Celery
- Chestnuts - Cooked P.Pack
- Chicory
- Chicory Red
- Chillies - Green
- Chillies - Habanero
- Chillies - Jalapeno
- Chillies - Padron
- Chillies - Red
- Chinese Leaves
- Courgette
- Courgette - Yellow
- Cucumber
- Fennell
- Galangal
- Garlic
- Garlic - Peeled
- Garlic - Smoked
- Garlic - Wild
- Garlic String
- Ginger
- Horse-Radish
- Kale
- Kohlrabi
- Leeks
- Mangetout
- Mooli
- Onion - Large Dutch
- Onion - Large Spanish
- Onion - Medium
- Onion - P. Pack
- Onion - Red
- Onion - Roscoff
- Onion - Silver Skin
- Onion - White Italian
- Pak Choi
- Parsley Root
- Parsnip
- Parsnip - P. Pack 500g
- Parsnip - Piccolo
- Pattypan Squash
- Peppers - Green
- Peppers - Red
- Peppers - Yellow
- Potato - Baby
- Potato - Baker Rooster
- Potato - Chipping
- Potato - Golden Wonder
- Potato - Italian
- Potato - Jersey Royals
- Potato - Kerrs Pink
- Potato - Markie
- Potato - Piper
- Potato - Premier New Season
- Potato - Purple
- Potato - Queens
- Potato - Ramos
- Potato - Rooster
- Pumpkin
- Radish
- Salsify
- Scallions
- Shallots - Banana
- Shallots - Round
- Sugar Snaps
- Swede
- Swede - Norette
- Sweet Corn
- Sweet potato
- Tomato
- Tomato - Beef
- Tomato - Cherry
- Tomato - Cherry Vine
- Tomato - Cherry Vine Mix
- Tomato - Heirloom
- Tomato - Plum
- Tomato - Tomberry
- Tomato - Vine
- Tomato - Vine Plum
- Tomato - Yellow Cherry
- Wheatgrass

- Apple - Bramley
- Apple - Golden Delicious
- Apple - Granny Smith
- Apple - Pink Lady
- Apple - Royal Gala
- Apricots
- Avocado
- Avocado - Ready to Eat
- Banana
- Banana Leaves
- Blackberries
- Blueberries
- Cherries - Red
- Clementines
- Coconut
- Cranberries
- Dates - Medjool
- Dragon fruit
- Figs
- Gooseberries
- Grapefruit - Ruby
- Grapefruit - White
- Grapes - Green
- Grapes - Red
- Kiwi
- Kumquats
- Lemons
- Limes
- Lychees
- Mango
- Mango - Ready to Eat
- Melon - Cantaloupe
- Melon - Galia
- Melon - Piel de Sapo
- Melon - Watermelon
- Melon - Honeydew
- Minneola
- Nectarine
- Oranges - Blood
- Oranges - Navel
- Oranges - Juicing
- Papaya
- Passionfruit
- Peaches
- Pears - Conference
- Pears - Nashi
- Pears - Peckham
- Pears - Quince
- Physalis
- Pineapple
- Plums
- Pomegranate
- Prunes - Dried
- Raspberries
- Redcurrant
- Rhubarb
- Satsumas
- Starfruit
- Strawberries

- Mushroom - Baby Button
- Mushroom - Button
- Mushroom - Chanterelle
- Mushroom - Chestnut
- Mushroom - Enoki
- Mushroom - Flat Cap
- Mushroom - Girrolle
- Mushroom - King Oyster
- Mushroom - Maitaki
- Mushroom - Oyster
- Mushroom - Paris
- Mushroom - Pied de Mouton
- Mushroom - Portobello
- Mushroom - Pre Pack
- Mushroom - Shimiji Brown
- Mushroom - Shimiji White
- Mushroom - Shitaki
- Mushroom - Trompette da la Mort
- Mushroom - Wild

- Herbs - Baby Spinach
- Herbs - Basil
- Herbs - Bay Leaves
- Herbs - Chervil
- Herbs - Chive
- Herbs - Corriander
- Herbs - Dill Bunch
- Herbs - Lemon Thyme
- Herbs - Lemongrass
- Herbs - Lovage
- Herbs - Marjoram
- Herbs - Mint
- Herbs - Oregano
- Herbs - Parsley Curly
- Herbs - Parsley Flat
- Herbs - Red Basil
- Herbs - Rocket
- Herbs - Rosemary
- Herbs - Sage
- Herbs - Samphire
- Herbs - Sorrel
- Herbs - Tarragon
- Herbs - Thyme
- Lettuce - Baby Gem
- Lettuce - Babyleaf
- Lettuce - Cos
- Lettuce - Fine Frisee Yellow
- Lettuce - Iceberg
- Lettuce - Lamb Salad
- Lettuce - Lolla Bionda
- Lettuce - Lolla Rossa
- Lettuce - Oak Leaf
- Lettuce - Radichio
- Lettuce - Soft
- Lettuce - Trio

- Cress - Affilla
- Cress - Anise
- Cress - Basil
- Cress - Borage
- Cress - Corriander
- Cress - Daikon
- Cress - Honey Cress
- Cress - Lemon
- Cress - Lemon Verbena
- Cress - Lupine
- Cress - Mizuna
- Cress - Motti
- Cress - Parsley
- Cress - Red Mustard
- Cress - Red Vein Sorrel
- Cress - Sakura
- Cress - Salad/Mustard Cress
- Cress - Shiso
- Cress - Shiso Purple
- Cress - Watercress
- Cress - Zorri
- Edible Flowers - Anise Blossom
- Edible Flowers - Aphrodite Blossom
- Edible Flowers - Apple Blossom
- Edible Flowers - Blackcurrant Sage Blossom
- Edible Flowers - Borage Blossom
- Edible Flowers - Cornabria Blossom
- Edible Flowers - Cucumber Flower
- Edible Flowers - Dushi Buttons
- Edible Flowers - Jasmine Blossom
- Edible Flowers - Rose
- Edible Flowers - Sechuan Buttons
- Edible Flowers - Viola
- Leaves - Blu Pepe Nastrium
- Leaves - Cardamon
- Leaves - Chocolate Mint
- Leaves - Citrus
- Leaves - Kaffir lime
- Leaves - Maji
- Leaves - Oyster
- Leaves - Purple Shiso
- Leaves - Syrha
- Micro - Fennel
- Micro - Celery
- Micro - Corriander
- Micro - Flat Parsley
- Micro - Red Amaranth
- Micro - Red Chard
- Micro - Red Mustard Frills
- Micro - Thyme

Cold Pressed Juices
- Beetroot
- Carrot
- Cloudy Apple
- Cranberry
- Ginger
- Lemon
- Lime
- Orange
- Pineapple
- Pommegranite
- Ruby Grapefruit
NFC Juice
- Apple - 5L Box
- Orange Juice - 5L Box
- Pineapple Juice - 5L Box